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  • Foto do escritorAgatha Rosa

Email Marketing - em Inglês

Cliente: *privado* (por ser endomarketing, privacidade da empresa)

********** Brazil 2023.1 Internship Program

New hires in March 2023

In November 2022, the Recruitment and Selection area will begin spreading internship opportunities in colleges.

The Internship Program aims at the technical and behavioral development of young students in order to prepare future professionals, through experience in their area of study, in a period of 12 to 24 months.

If you need an intern in your area, follow these steps until November 15:

• Open a request at People Point under "External Recruitment Requisition Template";

• Fill in the request fields;

• Complete the attached form and include it in the request;

• The vacancy needs to be approved by your board;

It is important to remember the following:

• Assess whether your need is consistent with the goals of our program, as well as whether local support will be available for monitoring and development of the intern.

• Carefully evaluate your budget and cost with your board and provision the amounts in case of approval.

• If you already have an intern in your area, consider when he will finish the contract.

• Admission will be in March 2023. After this period, the following selection will be in July 2023, unless replacements.

If you have questions, go to your HR advisor.

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